Priority of Prayer

"Prayer cannot be retired to a secondary force in the world  To do so is to retire God from moving in our lives.  It is to make God secondary.  The prayer ministry is an all-engaging force; it must be all engaging to be a force at all.  Prayer is the sense of a need for God and the call for God's help to supply that need.  How we estimate and place prayer is how we estimate and place God.  To give prayer a secondary place is to make God secondary in life's affairs." - E.M. Bounds - The Weapon of Prayer
"How we estimate and place prayer is how we estimate and place God."  I believe this to be true.  A few years ago I remember reading this and realizing that to overlook prayer is both incredibly prideful and incredibly foolish.

May our student ministries, churches and families be filled with men and women who elevate prayer and in so doing elevate the supremacy of God in their lives and ministries.

Do you agree with Bound's statement here concerning prayer's priority?  What are you currently learning and practicing in the area of prayer?