Faithful Opponents

1 Kings 1:9-10 reminds me that God's gift to me on any team is a "faithful opponent".  This is someone whom I trust and respect but also has ability to frustrate me because they ask the right questions.  The questions I am referring to are not just ones of wisdom, logic, experience, or clarity.   No, these are the questions or statements that challenge me to consider my values, convictions, and the implications of my course of direction.  These are the questions that cause me to slow down and consider the people around me rather than simply the outcomes.  Thse are the sorts of questions that at times hurt my pride, challenge my decisions, and come at the issue from another angle.  

Adonijah does just what I have done many times in the past (and I'm sure a will do a few more times in the future).  He avoids consulting his faithful opponents.  He doesn't ask for their council.  He doesn't even invite them to the meeting because he knows that they will spoil his current leadership trajectory.  And by not doing so, Adonijah brings great shame and nearly death to himself and to those who followed him.

If you have a "faithful opponent" on your team, they probably have a tendency to frustrate you.  I challenge you to thank God for them today and the gift they are at causing you to see all sides of a decision, their ability to slow you down to have you evaluate how the decision aligns with your stated values,  walk humbly and purely before those you lead, and most of all, point you heavenward whether directly or indirectly. 

If you don't have any "faithful opponents" on your team, I encourage you to find one.