Who's World are You Showing Up In?

Two questions pop into my head as I read Seth Godin's blog post today. I’ll just quote this line here, but encourage you to read the whole thing: "Showing up in your world (or your staff's world, or your volunteer's world, or your favorite preacher's online world) is not nearly as important as showing up in the world of the person you're actually trying to reach." (I added of course, what is in parenthesis.)

Question #1: Is your teaching content and style focused more reflective of your current place in life and your style of learning or is it focused on the place of life a 14 year old finds himself and the way he learns?   

Question 2: If your primary role as a youth worker is to “make disciples”, what percentage of your week are you spending with students in their world or equipping other adults to make disciples (meaning being ones who follow Jesus closely and who are sent out to impart life to others, inviting them to follow Jesus closely)? Are you satisfied with that percentage?  If not, what do you need to put on your "not to do list" so that you incrementally increase it?