Isaac: "Dad, is something wrong with so and so?"
Dad: "Why do you ask?"
Isaac: "He doesn't say much. Dad, I think he's sad. I think something happened in his life."
Dad: We need to have him over sometime don't we so we can hear his story.
We pray and Isaac prays for our neighbor.
Isaac: Dad, I think our neighbor needs a card. Can I stay up and make him one?
Dad: If that is what you think God would want you to do.
Isaac: (20 minutes later) Dad, here is my card, look it says: "Dear so and so, we love you. nomader were you our. We hope you com here soon!!! love Isaac. (In Isaac's spelling and with a picture of the neighbors house, the neighbor, his dog...and Isaac standing by his side.)
Dad: That is great buddy, I know he'll love it.
Isaac: My favorite part is where it says, "No matter where you are." (Grinning ear to ear)
God is working his compassion into a young heart. One of the Lord's little ones is teaching his dad simple ways to love our neighbor. Isaac's motivation is not to convert our neighbor, but to simply love our neighbor. There is something that feels holy and pure about this.
God, may you raise up this next generation to be who notices that people may have had "something happen in their life" and be willing to cross fences in an act of innocent love.
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