Spurgeon Preaching

A couple weeks ago a quote from Jesus caused me to ask the question, for whom am I teaching? Some reading this weekend led me across some thoughts from Charles Spurgeon which cause me to ask: What am I teaching?
“It is better to fail attempting the right subject, than to succeed in the wrong; and the right subject is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. To even attempt that subject is a noble thing in itself.”

“I am content to live and die as a mere repeater of scriptural teaching, as a person who has thought out nothing and invented nothing, as one who never thought invention to be any part of his calling, but who concluded that he was simply to be a mouth for God to the people, mourning that anything of his own should come between.”

“I always feel that I have not done my duty as a preacher of the gospel if I go out of this pulpit without having clearly set before sinners the gospel. I sometimes think that you have so often and so long heard me tell this story, that you will get weary of it; but I cannot help it if you do—I had better weary you than be false to my charge.”

These are words I need to hear and ponder as I live in a world that is addicted to new ideas, being relevant, and innovative thinking. I believe the bible is not boring, teachers are boring. I also am learning that the Gospel is powerful. In fact, the apostle Paul calls it the power of God. It does not need my help. But, oh how I need it's help.

What do Spurgeon's thougth stir in your heart and mind?