Could it be that all the questions we're asking like, "What does youth minsitry or the church need to look like today" are simply the wrong questions.?The greater questions we need to ask today are being recommended by Michael Frost and Alan Hirchsh. They are:
- What ongoing role does Jesus the Messiah play in shaping the ethos and self understanding of the movement that originated in him?
- How is the Christian religion, if we could legitimately call it that, informed and shaped by the Jesus that we meet in the Gospels?
- How do we assess the continuity required between the life and example of Jesus and the subsequent religion called Christianity?
- In how many ways do we domesticate the radical Revolutionary in order to sustain our religion and religiosity?
- And perhaps the most important of all, how can a rediscovery of Jesus renew our discipleship, Christian community, and the ongoing mission of the church? (ReJesus: A wild Messiah for a Missional Church. p. 5)
Too many of young people are leaving our churches, youthgroup gatherings and retreats experiencing a lot of wonderful things, but of the most concerning things they are leaving with is being convinced Jesus is to be worshipped but not followed.
What can we do to change this? What can we do to reboot our youth minsitries and churches (and our leadrship!) to Jesus?
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